import sys from sets import Set if len(sys.argv) != 2: print "Pass cents postage required" sys.exit(1) # Denominations of stamps available (in cents). STAMPS = [37, 1, 83, 5, 33, 60, 100] STAMPS.sort() STAMPS.reverse() centsNeeded = int(sys.argv[1]) #-------------------------------------------------- # This taken from def xuniqueCombinations(items, n): if n==0: yield [] else: for i in xrange(len(items)): for cc in xuniqueCombinations(items[i+1:],n-1): yield [items[i]]+cc #-------------------------------------------------- # Based on stamps available, find best combo to equal cents. # Return (total num stamps needed, ((denomination, num stamps of that denomination), ...)). def calculateStampCombo(cents, stampsAvailable): numStampsNeeded = 0 # A dict is nicer, but use tuple so we can make a Set later # (has to be hashable). stampsNeeded = [] for stamp in stampsAvailable: numStamps = cents/stamp if numStamps > 0: stampsNeeded.append((stamp, numStamps)) numStampsNeeded += numStamps cents -= stamp * numStamps if cents == 0: break # Not a valid solution. if cents != 0: return None, None return numStampsNeeded, tuple(stampsNeeded) #-------------------------------------------------- # Helper function for sort. def compareStampComboResults(first, second): return cmp(first[0], second[0]) #-------------------------------------------------- def printSolution(s): output = [] output.append('%d stamps needed:' % s[0]) d = dict(s[1]) stampsNeededKeys = d.keys() stampsNeededKeys.sort() stampsNeededKeys.reverse() for stamp in stampsNeededKeys: output.append('%.2f : %d' % (stamp/100., d[stamp])) return '\n'.join(output) #------------------------ # main # Get all possible combos of the stamps we have. allStampCombos = [STAMPS] for n in range(2, len(STAMPS)): for x in xuniqueCombinations(STAMPS, n): allStampCombos.append(x) # Find all valid solutions for all possible combos. solutions = [] for combo in allStampCombos: (num, stamps) = calculateStampCombo(centsNeeded, combo) if num: solutions.append((num, stamps)) # Get the best solutions. highestDenominationSolution = solutions[0] # Eliminate dupes and sort by num stamps required. solutions = list(Set(solutions)) solutions.sort(compareStampComboResults) output = [] same = '' output.append("Using fewest stamps%s:") leastNumberOfStamps = solutions[0][0] for s in solutions: if s[0] == leastNumberOfStamps: if highestDenominationSolution == s: same = ' (and highest denomination)' output.append(printSolution(s)) output.append('') if not same: output.append('') output.append("Using highest denomination:") output.append(printSolution(highestDenominationSolution)) print '\n'.join(output) % same